House System
Every student and member of staff join one of The Priory Witham Academy's four houses – Bronte, Johnson, Owens or Turner.
There are many varied competitions throughout the year including a weekly quiz and at least one sporting event and one arts event per module.
Students are rewarded House Points for many different reasons including any extra curricular work they may participate in. Students will have the opportunity to record the clubs they attend or the activities they take part in and will receive one house point for each time they attend or take part, alongside working towards the Witham Values Programme.
‘Believe and Achieve – The Witham Values Programme’ was launched in January 2018, and celebrates all aspects of life that our students participate in. The House system is intrinsically linked to this through celebrating sporting, academic, artistic and community events. Students will earn point for their houses, but also work towards gaining the five strands of their Believe and Achieve Passport. This will ultimately lead to a nationally recognised ‘National Baccalaureate’.